Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Classroom of the Future

I find these videos fairly accurate with our modern technology. Other that the overall appearance of the monitor and keyboard, the functionality of the technology is close to par with today's. Video chat, voice recognition, and internet databases all play a role in our technology.

I think they put the integration of technology and the classroom together very well. Although we are not entirely at that level, yet... There was a thing on the news yesterday about replacing teachers with online courses, requiring students to complete two of their high school courses online. Many of the teachers were saying that the replacement of teachers with computers was a terrible idea. I feel the same. Students need someone there with them to fully understand the situation. I believe there is a lot of emotion involved with teaching, and you just can't get that from a computer.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Who is Alan Mulligan?

That question has never been easy for me to answer. When I try to think of how to describe myself I tend to find myself trying to think about what others would say about me or what others have said about me.

I have had people tell me I am funny (whatever that means). I know that I like to make people laugh, but it is never in an attempt to make myself seem funny. I typically use my wits when communicating with people, and that typically causes people to laugh because I say things they are not expecting and do not know how to react.

I had a boss tell me once that I am standoffish. I guess I can agree with that. I hate getting involved with other people's business and I avoid any kind of drama at all expenses. Unless I see a need to intervene when someone is completely helpless.

I am a natural born observer and I have a photographic memory (with some things). I can't memorize a book and recall page numbers and all that jazz, but I can do complex math problems in my head. I also like to use my memory to make up complex deep "quotes" by finding a word I like and complimenting it with a series of words. Typically I have to pause the process to look up definitions of words that I come up with to make sure I am expressing the right idea. I always find myself using words that I have no idea the meaning off, but usually they work in the context that I use them.

Some things about my life I find worth mentioning, I graduated high school when I was 17 and joined the Marines shortly after turning 18 in boot camp. I have been to over 25 countries traveling with the military. I lived in Okinawa for 2 years. I got the opportunity to climb Mt. Suribachi on Iwo Jima.

I got married after being in the Marines for 5 years and am now attending Boise State as an elementary education major. I hope to be able to teach children that there are no limits to their abilities. With all of the studying I am doing in the fields of quantum physics, mathematics, history and how corruption has concealed most of the truth from all of those subjects, I hope I can restore some truth in the educating of children and not to get them started off on the wrong path of thinking in terms of fear in a limited society.